- This scheme was launched in Feb and ended on September 30
- Now it is extended further
- 20% reduction on circle rate till 30.06.2022
- For Land And Immovable Properties
As per the Revenue Department officials, properties in Delhi is bifurcated into 8 sections from A to H where the posh area falls under A category and under developed area comes into H category.
For the upmarket area, the circle rate of A category will go down from Rs 7.74 Lakh per square metre to Rs 6.19 Lakh per square metre added by the officials to bring more clarity to the home buyers and investors.
And on the other side, for low developed areas which fall under H category will be reduced from Rs 23,280 to Rs 18,624 per square metre after the 20 per cent drop in the circle rate of Delhi.
So for the investment Delhi brings bigger investment scope as umpteen properties are available in Delhi by the prominent builders such as DLF LTD and Godrej Properties where they have left no stone unturned to bring a premium range of housing which is 100 per cent modern and new to the society that creates an international living system.
Other than this, for the lower range of investment, there are other builders who can offer you a wide range of projects both ready to move and under construction where the circle range reduction and other offers by the builder collectively create a pathway for the interested buyers to look their lucrative property.