Are you good in making titles? Yes good, no it is bad, but life is all about learning and you can learn how to make attractive titles with little attraction to it.
Egg or hen who was the first one to arrive? You are still skeptical about it, but title or paragraph? Needless to say it is always a headline first, so it has to be best and there is no scope to take a chance.
- Always keep it short and crisp
- Do not make it too long
- Stuffing is not allowed
- Always make it while considering yourself as a reader
- Show to someone else and ask them their opinion
- Try to add number into it, for example- 5 activities to enjoy, top 10 mind blowing properties, 5 mistakes to ignore while investing and more. So if you will keep numbers in your title you will make it enough compelling
- Re-check it always because there might be a spelling error
- Even question form is best to use-this way you will embrace the reader’s attention and they will be curious to know what is inside it
- Don’t lie, but you can play smartly with words

So follow these tips and make your title fully attractive for the readers because if they like your title, they will definitely land up to the whole content.
Captivating your readers with best writing skills and with this, the fact to enjoy, a good content gives 100% conversion isn’t it amazing? Yes, it is so pay whole attention to your content and make sure if gives information and knowledge to your readers.
Let us follow these new tips and start writing best and impelling and create your own niche
Story way is the best way
Story style is always appealing and best, so if you want to hold your reader’s attention you need to write in a story form that maintains complete excitement and readers are curious to know what will happen next. You know writing is just like an acting where you have to sway your audience and they just believe in what you are saying, so it has to be that powerful and throw major impact.
Go with a story form and try to block your readers mind around it. Attractive Post can attract heap of readers and this way you can solve your purpose and garner lot of views.
Understand your reader first
Understanding reader’s interest is important because after all you are writing for your readers and if you will not understand them, then they will also not have interest in your post. As a content curator it is like a daunting task and a full responsibility to serve a complete and interesting write up to its readers that connects them so well and they get valuable information out of it as well. So check the highly searched keywords and also what is in the trend, if you will keep them in your head, then definitely you will understand them and they will read what you are providing. As I searched this highly searched content on “if domain name not available what to do”, so readers were looking for an appropriate answer for it, and the one who has given intact tips related to it is the best player in the field of content.
Quotes or idioms in first para makes a change
Do you love idioms or quotes? I think all love to read them because it holds deep meaning and sterling charm to your content, so if you are skeptical about how to start your content beautifully, then either you can give idiom or a good quote that blends with your topic well.
Avoid adding stupid things because otherwise it will be like a turn off for your readers, later they will not read your further contents. So, today your task it to get out some really meaningful quotes and learn them, so that you don’t take much time to think about it.
Writing is a job, so please take it seriously if you want to be a successful bloggers who are the king with their words and they know exactly what to deliver to its readers.
There are ceaseless quotes available of all the segments you decide which is your segment of writing, then use it a perfect way to give an apposite impact on your content.
Impress them
If you will not impress your readers, then they will also not offer their valuable time in reader your content, so understand the reader’s requirement, what they need? , make your content informative, so that they always learn from your content, overall look of your content is important if it has bullets, small paragraphs, freshness, bold words and more, then definitely your content will be a wholesome meal for all.
Create your trust
Write something where you create a good trust with your readers and they always wanted to read what you write, even you can talk about your past blog in the first para this way readers will get to know what you have written in your past blog, so don’t fake with your words always deliver true words because it will create strong rapport between you both.
And once readers start liking your content, then definitely they will follow you, but note, it doesn’t mean that you can write anything with no sense, you need to form some meaning and transparency.
All in all, these tips will surely help you in making your first paragraph impelling and your readers will surely read it till the end. Out of these 5 tips you can follow anyone that you feel is right. Be a right Content curator and form a content that holds long appearance.